Photo of the legal professionals at The Zoppoth Law Firm

Sexual Harassment

Make no mistake — sexual harassment violates federal and Kentucky laws. It encompasses a variety of prohibited behaviors and actions. In fact, you may have experienced some of the following, and you wouldn’t be the only one.

  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Inappropriate and unwanted touching of any kind
  • Sexually explicit or suggestive jokes
  • “Accidentally” or purposely bumping into another person in a sexual manner
  • Sexual innuendos
  • Sexually explicit or suggestive cartoons, pictures, calendars, posters or computer screen wallpapers
  • Sexually derogatory comments, slurs, gestures or epithets
  • Asking for sexual favors or dates repeatedly
  • Sexually suggestive or obscene emails, texts, notes, invitations or letters

Even though this isn’t an exhaustive list, it may give you some idea of what may constitute sexual harassment. The behaviors must be severe and numerous to create an actionable situation.

This May Have Happened Before

When the behavior is severe and ongoing, your manager, co-worker or employer may count on you not wanting to talk about being sexually harassed. The thinking is that you will be too ashamed, violated and isolated to say anything. You may wonder whether anyone would even believe you. If any of these thoughts sound familiar, then you should know that you have nothing to be ashamed of — you are the victim.

In fact, you may not be the only one, especially if the perpetrator appears confident that nothing will happen to him or her. Your bravery at coming forward could help stop a pattern of behavior that has affected others in the past or in the present. Even if that’s not the case, you do not have to suffer alone. Kentucky Employment Lawyers will advocate for you and be by your side as you confront your employer and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today online or by calling our Louisville office at 502-791-9296 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your rights and options.